Previous research has found that spending time on the beach and in the sea has a great impact on your emotional wellbeing, but what other impacts do it have on you as an individual? We have taken a look at a few reasons here. Being located right on the coast means you get to inhale all of that beautiful coastal air into your lungs when you visit our outdoor activity centres. A great benefit of this coastal air is that it has higher levels of oxygen in it than found in inland air. This can help you to feel a sense of rejuvenation, whilst also benefitting your skin, muscles and organs.
A survey also found that the most stress relieving sight was that of the sea, with watching and hearing the waves break on the shore having a very therapeutic effect on many people. Many people forget what that big yellow thing in the sky is, but we can experience our fair share of sunshine here in Bude. This sunshine can be very beneficial to you, providing you wear the correct factor of sun protection. - John Doe
Being exposed to ultraviolet rays provides our bodies with vitamin D, which helps to promote strong bones. It also benefits your hair, making it grow much stronger and faster than it used to and the same thing can happen to your fingernails. Sunlight can also help to repair blemishes found on your skin, but you must respect the sun and take care not to suffer from overexposure.